Sunday, April 29, 2007

Worked our butts off!!

The Challenge was so much fun. Talk about a hard work out. Jayme, Irene and Me (Jess) were the only ones to show up. Wonder were Yvette was at Hhmmm... No excuses I went hung over!! We had a blast it was a very good example of how hard I should be working out. I'm already sore I can only imagine how I will feel tomorrow. I'm so proud of us (Irene, Jayme). We did great we need to work out like that more often. Hooray for us!!! We ran around Genesis building 4 times and yes Irene did run, we did weights and squats and push ups I'm tired just thinking of it. I think Jayme will agree with me on this "We need to take that class"


Tuba Queen said...


Irene said...

I want to go to that class with you guys too. I cannot believe how long I was sore, but I felt great really. I think 'C' is a great trainer. I'm up for his classes.